10 December 2009


today was pretty good, as far as grades go. i resold my bio book and $50 for it, which is just fine. i picked up my jewelry projects and sheal told me the box saved my ass from probation. well, not in those words... she said it saved my grade - i pulled a B!

beginning textiles 1: A
beginning jewelry: B
bio lecture: C [possibly a B, but most likely a C]
bio lab: A
english: B
seminar: ??


when i was walking home from all that, a woman stopped me to ask if i knew how to get to city hall. i told her i didn't know specifically where it was, but it was down broad street. and i remembered the obama madness last year, and how the mob made it all the way down to city hall. but yeah...

mainly, though, this is an excuse to share this pic i have that i suddenly remembered i have and it's just amazing:


yeah, it's a real sport in england [hence he's doing it]. i have no idea...

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