30 October 2009


sooo i lost my mind and decided to enter NaNo, or National Novel Writing Month. i made a new blog so i can keep track of my entries, even though i'll be saving them to my ex-drive. and so i can share my progress with anyone interested... i'll probably fb-link it every week when it archives. luckily november starts on a sunday.

the format/topic i picked is documenting my life over the month from a third-person perspective. the documentation is gonna be pretty easy, but the third person might be harder. i'm still not really sure if i'm going to use my name or pick a different one. but that would likely be the only change. we'll see how it goes...

as a result of this topic i won't be updating this except to also link to the weekly archive, since that's basically a blog.

i'm pretty excited. november looks to be an interesting month. hopefully i'll make it all the way through, but if not it will be an interesting experiment. i calculated that to reach that 50,000 word mark i'll have to write 1667-ish words a day. which is a lot. we'll see how this goes...

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