16 February 2010

4 8 15 16 23 42



so. tonight we finally learned the meaning of the numbers. and the lists. and i flipped out.

not-locke takes sawyer to a cave in a cliff side [what an interesting trip that was, going down the cliff] to show him why he's on the island. written on the walls and ceiling of an inner cave are last names with numbers next to them. most of them are crossed out, except for 6. guess which 6. and next to those 6 are one of the numbers. jack was 23, sun and jin were 42 [it's by last name, so 2 for one], hurley was 8 [i think], sayid was 16, sawyer was 15, which leaves kate as 4. all the names are candidates for someone to replace jacob as the guru, now that he's dead.

i flipped the fuck out and started hyperventilating. total shock.

in other news!

i finally had to get a membership to mediafire so i could send fala 'boondock saints 2'. which, by the way, also had a "WTFAHHH" ending. because of fucking willem dafoe. he came back at the end, and it was open to a 3rd, if they so choose. the boys ended up in prison, but it looks like it'll be okay and not sucky and bitch-y and such, but smecker was talking about breaking them out or something. though, greenly and noah died, soo...

thursday is gonna be awesome. not the morning, but i don't count that. we start tessellations in math, which should be fun. and then. TEGAN AND SARA with STEEL TRAIN as one of the openers. YESSS!!!! excitement.

the fic-of-the-moment this time is from the USUK com by semebay, who wrote the epic canada-serial killer fill that i fell in love with. this is an AU with arthur as a recluse [sorta] who lives with the fae and sort-of[-but-not-really] controls them and who does random little magicks and herbal healing and just cool shit. and alfred is a semi-hero [he's got enhanced abilities] who keeps trying to be friends with arthur. and it's adorable at times, but dark and real. i love bay's voice and the way she writes arthur as a believable brit, not some american throwing in those random stereotypical words. fifteen chapters in and the fae have all escaped arthur's tenuous control and are wreaking havoc and killing people. cliffhanger: the last fae that still liked arthur has decided that alfred has to die since he was supposed to but arthur saved him and just GAHH.

thusly. [well, chapter 1. click 'next entry' for the next chapters]

olympics! germany is at the top right now with 9 medals, then america with 8, france with 7, canada with 5, and south korea with 4. both canadian hockey teams are kicking ass: the women whooped slovakia hard 18-0 a few days ago, switzerland yesterday 10-1, and the men just beat norway 8-0. is it weird that i'm cheering for canada more than america? sometimes i really wish i was canadian. i was practicing my accent at random times today. it was fun.

i decided to treat myself to some good quality bagels today. so i spent the rest of my birthday cash on a baker's dozen plus 2 tubs of cream cheese from panera. i can't wait! i made french toast for dinner. yummy cinnamon french toast.

my converse came for my embroidery project. they fit and all. i traced the open spaces on both so i know specifically how much i have to work with. i gridded my reference photos yesterday and will be gridding the print cloth and possibly the shoes [for placement purposes] tomorrow, along with at least laying out the large shapes. i am the master of the grid!

unrelated pic is unrelated. kinda. but mainly it's cute.

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