15 September 2008


from the greyhound bus trip:
Ew, it smells an awful lot like old pee on this bus. Extremely not pleasant.

Also, the bus was over half an hour late, so we won't be getting to DC till 6:15ish. Oh well, as long as I can actually ge to the metro from there, I think we're good.

Oh, jeez, it sucked getting tothe station. I followed the directions google gave me, but it turns out the stupid thing was confused! It took me to 2910 N Blvd, as in the name was N, it was a blvd. But, in reality, it was supposed to be north blvd. So, I walked the hour to N blvd, and I thought I was totally screwed. But there was a guy there, like a maintenace buy, packing up his truck. I asked him where the station was, and it was totally all the way back past where I'd come from, on fucking blvd. He offered to drive me there, even though he's not allowed to pick people up in the city truck. I felt so uncredibly lucky that he was there, that he wasn't some creepy guy, that he was helpful, and even that I had walked. Oh, god, such an adventure, and it's barely started!

Ugh, we haven't even been on the road for an hour, and I'm already bored and tired of typing my stupid notecards on art history. Though it is good for studying, this repetition and copying and whatnot. But I really wish I could actually access the internet... That would really help my bordom...

Hey, we're near the mixing bowl! Or, maybe... The HOV lanes are there now, going in the other direction, of course. But seriously, how is this supposed to take another hour?

Mmm, I wish I had some real food... All I've got is Red Machine drink, which doesn't count as food, pita chips, and a chewie bar. I'm hungry. Well, I fail for not thinking that far ahead... Then again, if I'd brought more food, then my bag would weigh more than it already does...

We're passing the Pentagon and the Mall now. Almost there? I wish... I'm so ridiculously bored. I thought I'd have a lot more fun. Then again I wouldn't be this bored if I'd taken a pill this morning. I'd actually be focused on something, instead of being totally unfocused and stuff.

I feel like I'm getting repetitive.

Also, a bit motionsick.

Well, it's not raining! That was one thing I was worried about, since I didn't bring an umbrella. It's not that I forgot, I decided not to bring it.

Also, I know I won't have the same problem I did earleir with not being able to find my next stop. I know how to get to the Metro from the terminal, I've seen it on a regular map.

Hopefully I'm not just telling myself that to make myself feel better...

Well, that's it for now. I'm gonna start packing my shit up, cuz I think we're almost there. Finally. I now understand why she said it would take up that long to get here. Rush hour traffic.

the rest of the details of my wonderful weekend can be found in my photos on facebook.

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