07 October 2010


That boy. I just-

I'm pretty sure he's not fired from his job because he keeps calling out for not very good reasons. Like, he went out the night before and is kinda hungover and doesn't feel like going in. Or he needs to run lines for this play, but he actually takes a nap.

He has no sense of responsibility.

Also, he's sort of in a relationship with a girl, who is dating another guy. And they're operating on the assumption that she and the other guy will break up before Christmas.

He's making terrible life decisions and it makes me not want to talk to him. But his other friends are shutting him out and such, so I feel like if I get too angry with him and stop talking to him, then his self-diagnosed depression will get worse and something terrible will happen.

But seriously, he's just not a fun person to talk to right now.

He volunteers me for events that I might not like to do with him, like going to Las Vegas. Just. That boy frustrates me.

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