29 May 2010

sleeeeeeeepy (and a rant)

This has nothing to do with anything, but I feel like ranting a bit...

It's really starting to bother me - like, seriously, make me angry for a couple seconds - when, in fics, authors decide that Matt/Canada [depending on canon v au] is younger than Alfred/America. Based on their canon birthdays, Matt is 3 days older, and Canada had its first year-round successful settlement in1605, 2 years before Jamestown. HE'S OLDER GRAHHHH!! I have no idea why this bothers me so much, but it really does. And then I feel like a terrible person for getting so worked up over such a minor detail. In all honesty, I much prefer them as twins who don't know which is older, as is implied by canon, since Himaruya never has one of them using onii-san or ototou or any form of either; they use a neutral form of brother. [And my mind just jumped to a deleted scene from 'Boondock Saints' involving a call from their mom and talk of 'aren't you going to tell us which one of us is older?']


Anyway, work!

Fun times were had by all as I checked in UNFI. Or something... I had to cut some bits of gouda for JP's wine tasting today, promoting businesses in the same shopping center and all. And I ate a rather delicious and large lunch for about as much as Amy's kid's mac & cheese: cheesey broccoli pocket, cherry fruit smash, black cherry yogurt, root beer. I would just like to say that Brown Cow yogurt is really really delicious, which means a lot, considering the only yogurt I've had in the last, like, 5-6 years was Trix, which only kinda counts.

Well, I'm off to get some ice cream and watch the latest 'Doctor Who'. Psh, like my life is busy...

besides, al's ridiculous behavior is more consistent with a younger sibling, while matt is calm and responsible.

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